During the 10-day training CyBe and our partner Qorox worked on 3Dcp projects. Furthermore Qorox was qualified to start their first local production of CyBe Mortar by using regional raw materials. CyBe Mortar is designed to meet economic, ecological, and…
CyBe’s partner MEET (Middle East Engineering Technologies) finished the construction of the MEET 3D Villa located in the heart of SRTIP – Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park.
Aizawa (partner of CyBe) printed on site, with locally developed CyBe Mortar, two types of restrooms in Sapporo’s Park. Meeting Goal 6 of the Social Development Goals of the United Nations.
Printed 3D Studio 2030 in only one week. Thanks to a world-first project with CCC (Consolidated Contractors Company) for the Ministry of Housing in Saudi Arabia.