2012 – The collaboration begins
Korodur came in touch with CyBe’s vision and the companies started working together.
Korodur is a specialized manufacturer of building materials with a broad expertise in “hard concrete” since 1936. We can look back on a lot of experience and often discover new ideas and innovative concepts in our field through cooperation with international partners. As a family business, we are convinced that, in addition to good ideas, it always needs an entrepreneurial spirit, courage and perseverance to drive innovation. As a company, we realized early on that 3D concrete printing is an exciting technology.
CyBe Construction is a technology company for the construction industry. Since 2013, Berry Hendriks, CEO and founder of CyBe Construction has developed hardware, software, building materials, and a digital learning platform, becoming a one-stop-shop for construction innovation such as concrete 3D Concrete Printing and Parametric design as well as a leader in the industry.
We want to push 3D concrete printing technology to enable a sustainable and affordable development in the construction industry – world-wide. We share our know-how and our material technology with our international customers in order to support them in the best way. CyBe and KORODUR support customers through all phases of the process.
It’s not about the technology, but about the solution. We strongly believe that one integrated system combining hardware, software and material is a key to solve global problems like housing shortage, resource shortage and skilled labor shortage.
CyBe MORTAR can be used for architectural, structural, industrial, and design projects regarding 3D concrete printing applications. It is a high-performance, single purpose material and durable in all environments. Use CyBe MORTAR with our 3D concrete print technology to produce high durability objects where low shrinkage is desired. CyBe MORTAR sets in minutes and achieves structural strength in about one hour. This allows a fast and efficient printing process, a reduction of costs, less waste and sustainable results.
Specifically developed for 3D concrete printing process.
Formulated for long life even in critical applications.
For structural and non-structural construction components and objects.
Based on a CO2 reduced cement technology.
Single purpose
Usage for 3D concrete printers according to CyBe 3D Construction System.
Local production
We understand that shipping materials all over the world is cost and time consuming. Therefore CyBe and KORODUR support their international customers to produce CyBe MORTAR locally.
Korodur came in touch with CyBe’s vision and the companies started working together.
“The challenge was to create a mortar, that would dry quickly enough, but at the same time be extremely stable.”
After two years of a “trial and error” approach, we were finally able to master the formulation for today’s innovative CyBe MORTAR and print the first prototypes.
We´ve acquired our first project: Design & Engineering of building based on material properties.
Printing the R&Drone Laboratory executed by CyBe in order for DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority).
Achieve fast increases in local fish population, rehabilitation, coral reef, and algae growth
Printing 3D Housing 05 in Milan.
Printed 3D Studio 2030 in only one week. Thanks to a world-first project with CCC (Consolidated Contractors Company) for the Ministry of Housing in Saudi Arabia.
At the request of Dura Vermeer a serie of 5 concrete city benches are printed in the Netherlands
By 3DCP, the Vergaderfabriek achieves 40% less CO2 emissions and a waste reduction of 70% in comparison with traditional methods.
Printed pre-cast benches and placed in the city centre of Oss, the Netherlands.
Printing La Sphère in Harfleur, Normandy, France.
Aizawa (partner of CyBe) printed on site, with locally developed CyBe Mortar, two types of restrooms in Sapporo’s Park. Meeting Goal 6 of the Social Development Goals of the United Nations.
CyBe’s partner MEET (Middle East Engineering Technologies) finished the construction of the MEET 3D Villa located in the heart of SRTIP – Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park.
During the 10-day training CyBe and our partner Qorox worked on 3Dcp projects. Furthermore Qorox was qualified to start their first local production of CyBe Mortar by using regional raw materials. CyBe Mortar is designed to meet economic, ecological, and high-quality standards.
Learn to become a 3Dcp operator or how to Design & Engineer printable 3Dmodels, earn badges and show your colleagues you are mastering new construction technologies!
Get licenses of helpful software tools to ease your workflow throughout your Design & Engineering and Construction process. Or simply get the latest version of ARTYSAN and CHYSEL!
Download printable 3Dmodels of furniture, walls and more. Or even adjust the size and shape oft he 3Dmodels to make them fit your own wishes!